Get free, multi-language, offline Qamoos Dictionary
Available in App Store for iPhone users, as APK and at Play Store for Android Uses

Qamoos Dictionary has
awesome features
Multi-language search
The ability to search from Pashto to English and Dari, from Dari to English and Pashto and from English to Pashto and Dari.

Tap to search
If you not understand a meaning of a word then you can search it again just by tapping on that word.

Word pronounciation
Qamoos has the functionality to pronounce and transcription of the word.

Search History
After searching a word, Qamoos remember your last searches history so you can better learn the words you search everyday.

Dark Mode
Qamoos has friendly environment it work on two themes dark and light.

Words of the day
Learn 10 new words everyday suggested by Qamoos dictionary.

Favorite words
Qamoos can store list of your favorite word.

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